Scope of Sociology
Sociology is a complete science-based study of society. In fact, the perfect analysis of the whole society is the purpose of sociology and in the sense that the whole society is within the bounds of sociology. As the society is wider, the scope of sociology is wider. Any social behavior of human beings is subject to sociology. As a dynamic science, sociology continues its study and research about various aspects of society. Various disciplines of sociology have emerged for studying and research in different aspects of the society. For example:
Sociological Theory – Analyzes judgments about sociological suffixes, principles and generalizations.
Historical Sociology– Researches about ancient society, origin of society, development and the livelihood of present society.
Sociology of Family– Discusses the origin, development, variation, functions of a changing family and family problems.
Social Demography– Studies and researches on population theory, population structure, population distribution, population growth and its social impact.
Rural and Urban Sociology– Studies about rural society and urban society respectively.
Sociology of Religion– Discusses religious practices, beliefs and traditions, social importance of religion, etc.
Sociology of Education – The purpose of school as a social institution is to study and research about the relationship of social class with its education and the relationship of other institutions in the society with the school.
Political Sociology – Determines the social background, utility, the origin and development of political ideals and the relationship of different groups, classes and citizens of the society with government, formation of state including functions of political movement.
Sociology of law – Reviews the process of social control, the social and legal rights and duties of the socialized people, impact and effectiveness of law in society, etc.
Social psychology – Analysis of the character and personality of the person in the social context. It discusses the socialization process of the person, how he or she becomes a social member.
Medical Sociology – Focuses on the social background of the patient, prevailing beliefs about the disease and treatment, the social aspects of the medical system, the social rehabilitation of the patient after releasing disease.
Industrial Sociology– Studies and researches about the social background of the worker, the owner with the worker, the manager as well as the relations of the factory, the trade union, the worker’s social and career, the labor movement and its social impact.
Cultural Sociology – Analyzes the origins of material and material culture, its evolution and its impact on social life.
Social Statistics – Explains methods, and techniques for analyzing the numerical reasoning of social phenomena.
Social Thought – Provides theoretical and philosophical explanations of the structure, changes and social activities of society.
Moreover, Sociology of art, Military Sociology, Sociology of War, Flock Sociology, Sociology of Group, etc. are accelerating the dynamic part of sociology. For that reasons, the content of those disciplines is also considered to be scope of sociology. Because sociology attempts to analyze all the phenomena of society, it involves the discussion of all of them in different branches Its purpose is to bring expertise in the disciplines of sociology to various aspects of society. In fact, society is a widespread affirmation and a complete part in this context is when it can be thoroughly analyzed in different disciplines of sociology in different aspects of society.
It is generally said that sociology discusses the formation and functions of social groups, social customs, etc. It conducts studies and research on social structures and social stratification. Sociology also focuses on social processes, dynamics, and changing societies. A review of the regulatory forces of social development and social change is also included in sociology. Not only that, there is also intensive analyzed of individuals, individuals and groups and institutions and, above all, intergroup and inter-organizational relationships.
There is no aspect of the individual or social life that cannot be included to sociological analysis. In this way, the sociologist shows curiosity about the person’s economic, political, social, cultural, psychological, religious, educational, and whole human behavior. In fact, sociology is the name of a method and point of view. In the context of those methods and approaches, a scientific analysis of human behavior and actions must be considered as a boundary of sociology. And that is why sociology is a dynamic analytical science. Due to this dynamic, the scope of sociology is extremely wide.