Impact of the Elements of Social Change


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Impact of the Elements of Social Change

Impact of the Elements of Social Change

Human society is variable. Changes in all societies and different ages of human civilization from the beginning of creation are observed. However, this pace of social change is not always the same in all societies. Sometimes fast and sometimes slow. Some factors are active in this change in society. These elements of social change are discussed below:

A) Biological Elements: Biological elements have a very important role in social change. Biological elements include humans, other animals, and plants. The social and cultural life of a human is influenced by the biological environment. Because people are influenced by their social behavior and cultural values, they use animals and plants and other elements of their environment by the determined way of society and culture. On the other hand, population growth plays an important role in the transformation of every society. Additional population growth has a profound impact on social, cultural, political, economic and economic sectors. The extreme population creates intense competition for unemployment, corruption and other unequal activities, use of child labor and employment.

B) Natural element: Natural element plays an important role in social change. Most of the major changes in the surface of the earth have been due to natural causes. Although these changes are not always visible to everyone. Various natural elements trigger social change. Such as earthquakes, floods, cyclones, volcanic eruptions, river erosion. Due to these factors, a new kind of social system is created. Due to the cyclone in the southern part of Bangladesh, the intrusion of saltwater is disrupting the normal agricultural activities of the people of the area and the people are engaged in new occupations. Also, as a result of the cyclone, unemployed people are leaving the village to move the city to search for work. 

As a result, rural society structures are changing, on the other hand, new slum areas are being increased in the city. In flood-prone countries like Bangladesh, many villages are lost in the dark of night, especially in riverside areas. For this reason, the bunch village has to be built for these displaced people. Such many bunch villages can be seen in different places in the world. Civilization is developed through proper use of obtained resources from the natural environment. However, natural ingredients are not fraught/fulfill/brimful singly for social change.

C) Technical Elements: In today’s society, technology is playing a major role in social change. Due to the widespread use of technology, many social organizations and practices have changed. The biggest feature of this era is the massive development of technology and the innovation of new technologies. This era is the era of science, this era is the age of technology. This era emphasizes mechanization more than capitalism. The byproduct of mechanization is capitalism. Mechanization not only changes the fundamental or economic structure but also changes the structure of society, especially in terms of social organization and values. 

Agburn and Nimkoff wrote in their book “A Handbook of Sociology”, “Technology changes society by changing our environment to which we, in turn, adapt. This change is usually in the material environment and the adjustment we make with changes often modifies customs and social institutions”. Namely, technology transforms the social environment by changing the natural environment, with this transformation people in this society adapt themselves. This change is limited to the general material environment, and with it, we make necessary changes to social institutions and customs through adaptation.

As a result of technological factors, in various social fields has changed. For example, the easy use of technology in the garment industry has given the girls as self-employment opportunities and the economy of the country has changed. On the other hand, with the proliferation of communication technologies, people are no longer writing letters. People are now able to communicate by using mobile phones, Email, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Viber, Messenger, etc. Besides, the influence of the sky culture is affecting the culture of other countries among the people, thereby creating new kinds of social problems that are sociologically called “Cultural Lag”. And all of those are happening because of the technical elements.

Biological elements, natural materials, and modern technological components are playing a vital role in social change. For example, due to natural and technological factors, the joint family system of the subcontinent is breaking down, and single and nuclear family systems are being increased.


Social change occurs due to different activities of different types of material. Among these, biological, natural and technical components are very important. Other organisms, including humans, are part of the biological component. on the other hand, Natural disasters, including storms, floods, are part of the natural elements and various inventions of science are part of technological elements.

See More:

1. Social Change: Basic Concepts, Definition, Characteristics & Causes

2. Theory of Social Change: Karl Marx and Vilfredo Pareto


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