As science, every scripture has its own subject matter. For example, the content of the economy is production, distribution and financial matters. The subject of political science is related to the state, government and politics. Similarly, sociology as social science has its own field and subject matter. The subject matter of sociology is society. In simple words, Sociology, therefore, is a comprehensive study, research, analysis related to society. So, sociology is the science of society. Many sociologists, including W.G. Samner agreed with the definition which is short but comprehensive in meaning. However, society is a very convincing one. For that reason, if sociology is called ‘ science of society’, it remains unclear. Because economics and politics are not something beyond society. But according to the characteristics of science, these two issues have been established in different sciences. Sociology gives more emphasis in certain areas of society, in which did not have enough importance in other social sciences. Based on this feature, social sciences have been established as a distinct social science.
Definition of Sociology:
Sociology has been defined in a number of ways by different sociologists. No single definition has yet been accepted as completely satisfactory. In fact, there are as many definitions of sociology as there are sociologists. For our purpose of study a few definitions may be cited here.
Auguste Comte, the founding father of sociology, defines sociology as the science of social phenomena “subject to natural and invariable laws, the discovery of which is the object of investigation “.
Kingsley Davis says that ‘ Sociology is a general science of society “.
Harry M. Johnson opines that ” sociology is the science that deals with social groups”.
Emile Durkheim defines sociology as ” the science of social institutions”.
Park regards sociology as ” the science of collective behavior “.
Small defines sociology as “the science of social relations “.
Marshal Jones defines sociology as ” the study of man – in – relationship – to – men”.
Ogburn and Nimkoff define sociology as “the scientific study of social pfe”.
Frankpn Henry Giddings defines sociology as “the science of social phenomena”.
Henry Fairchild defines sociology as “the study of man and his human environment in their relations to each other”.
Max Weber defines sociology as “the science which attempts the interpretative understanding of social action in order thereby to arrive at a casual explanation of its course and effects “.
Alex Inkeles Says, “Sociology is the study of systems of social action and of their interrelations”.
Kimball Young and Raymond W. Mack define sociology as “the scientific study of the social aspects of human pfe”.
Morris Ginsberg: of the various definitions of sociology the one given by Morris Ginsberg seems to be more satisfactory and comprehensive. He defines Sociology in the following way: “In the broadest sense, sociology is the study of human interactions and inter-relations, their conditions arid consequences “.
A careful examination of various definitions cited above, makes it evident that sociologists differ in their opinion about the definition of sociology. Their divergent views about the definition of sociology only reveal their distinct approaches to its study. However, the common idea underlying all the definitions mentioned above is that sociology is concerned with man, his social relations and his Society.