Quantifiers কাকে বলে?
Quantifier সাধারণত noun এর পরিমাণ, সংখ্যা ইত্যাদি প্রকাশ করে।
Quantifiers state the amount or the number or the quantity of a noun.
Quantifiers মূলত তিন ধরণের হয়ে থাকে:
- Quantifiers for count nouns
- Quantifiers for non-count nouns
- Quantifiers for both count and non-count nouns
These are described below:
Quantifiers for count nouns:
These quantifiers are used for only countable nouns. These are: ‘a number of, few, many, several.’
A number of, few, many, several সহ আরো কিছু quantifier শুধুমাত্র countable noun এর ক্ষেত্রে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
- Many people know me there.
- I’ll leave for a couple of
- He was injured by several stabs in his body.
- I know a few people in this area.
Quantifiers for non-count nouns:
These quantifiers are used only for uncountable nouns. These are: ‘not much, a little, little, a bit of, a good deal of, a great deal of, etc.’
Not much, a little, little, a bit of, a good deal of, a great deal of সহ এই ধরণের quantifier গুলো শুধুমাত্র uncountable noun এর ক্ষেত্রে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
- I have few friends in this area.
- I’m a little bit sick today.
- I have much experience in renewable energy.
Quantifiers for both count and non-count nouns:
These quantifiers are used for both countable and non-countable nouns. These are: ‘a lot of, some, all of the, most of the, enough, lots of, plenty of, lack of, etc.’
A lot of, some, all of the, most of the, enough, lots of, plenty of, lack of সহ এই ধরণের quantifier গুলো countable and un-countable উভয় noun এর ক্ষেত্রেই ব্যবহৃত হয়।
- I have a lot of (countable)
- Give him some (non-countable)
- Most of the people in this area are honest. (countable)
- He has enough knowledge about power plant engineering. (non-countable)